Sunday, September 28, 2008

A New Rew

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I went salsa dancing. Kind of a big deal. It was..okay. April and I both got asked a few times, but mostly just moved our feet the whole time. Bambi decided to hit her car-scary!

I agreed to a blind date with Richard G Scott...only he's 22 and not an apostle.

My dear friend M Rachel called today and I decided she was much more important than work and I would have hated myself if I hadn't answered that call. She lives in Oklahoma nowadays playing the softballs. Man, it was good to hear her voice!

I invested in mineral makeup today and decided I will stop putting off getting a "Glamour Shot" done. See, my grandma gave me $100 bucks last year for my birthday to get this done and I...well, I've been putting it off. BUT the New Rew [feels bad for wasting G-ma's money and] has no fears!

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